One of the most classic genetic lines in all of cannabis, Northern Lights and Haze are reinvigorated in this in-house recreation. Soaring classic Sativa effects and tangy-sweet Haze flavor. Two of cannabis' most classic true-breeding strains, Northern Lights and Haze have made their way into more hybrids than just about anything. Northern Lights is a heavy Indica from the Pacific Northwest and Haze is a wily Sativa with roots stretching back to Mexico. We built on the work others before us have done but selected for our favorite traits, creating this truly world class Sativa line using our favorite NL-5 Haze seeds. The complex terpinolene-dominant tang of Haze is one of our favorite things and that's what we tried to capture here, as well as the uplifting-but-not-racy effect. Northern Lights Haze is a versatile choice but most users find it most useful for boosts of daytime creativity with a sound backing of body relief.